Are you building trust right from the start of client meetings?
Imagine you've arranged that meeting with a person you want to meet. You've researched some valuable insights about their business. And you know how to move from an issues conversation into a project conversation ... if that's appropriate.
So, how do you get the meeting off to a great start?
Here's a suggestion. Take a few minutes to build rapport. Then try asking the other person some variation of:
What would you most like to get from this meeting?
Why did you agree to take this meeting?
Once they've answered, frame your reasons for meeting too. Use something like this.
What I would like to get from this meeting is ... [make your outcome explicit.]
The reason I wanted to meet with you is ... [set the context for introducing an unconsidered issue.]
This approach helps you establish credibility. You signal you'll be consulting with the other person, not pitching. And you show them you're interested in what's important to them ... not only what's important to you.
That's a good start.
A mini-mission for you.
Look at your schedule for the week.
Pick 3 meetings where you will practice this approach. [These don't have to be first meetings].
After each meeting explore how you did.
Let me know how you get on with this approach.