Hi, it’s Clive. This post 17 for my 30 day writing challenge. It’s written for highly ambitious achievers committed to exceptional performance. Let's exchange what's predictable for what's possible.
In business, the right question can be more powerful than any answer. But what if that question has been rigged against you from the start? As a high achiever you’ll already know success attracts subtle challenges — sneaky top table politics.
And one of the sneakiest political moves?
Questions that lead your mind into a trap.
These aren't ordinary inquiries. They’re designed to lead you down a predetermined path. And they're everywhere – from the boardroom to dining room .
Let's break down some examples:
The assumption: "High performers like you are naturally gifted."
The loaded question: "Don't you agree, 80-hour work weeks are necessary for junior consultants to get better?"
The presupposition: "When did you first realise your striving for higher levels of achievement was actually holding your team back?"
Spot the pattern? Each question influences the way you are thinking, leading you into agreements you might not want to enter.
So, here are three smart moves to challenge these traps:
Question the premise: For assumptions, ask "What evidence supports this?" This forces a justification of the statement.
Reframe the question: With loaded questions, respond with "That's an interesting perspective. What makes you feel 80-hour weeks are crucial?" This reopens the discussion.
Challenge the presupposition: For presuppositions, address the hidden assumption directly. "I wasn't aware my leadership style was holding the team back. What specific issues have you observed?"
The goal isn't to win an argument, but not to be taken advantage of, and to steer the conversation towards productive ground.
Ready to sharpen your skills? Here's a challenge:
Send me the most audacious, cunning, presupposition-packed question you've heard in a meeting recently.
I'm all ears!
🚀 Let me ask — how tuned into the language of influence are you?
I work 1:1 with highly ambitious achievers on their agenda: including mindset and behaviour change, leading others in a high stakes situations, and influencing decisions with integrity. If that’s for you please get in touch.
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