How to enthuse clients about your consultancy offer ... more
Last week I wrote about enthusing clients about your consultancy offer. A couple of people ask for more details. Here’s what I teach my clients:
Time travel with your prospects. Into the future to the point where they’ve already achieved the result they wanted in technicolour detail. Guide their thinking. The vision they have should be like it’s happened already, not some theoretical future seen from the present. You want them to picture of success they can feel emotional about. At this point you'll both see the true value of the result they want. Its real impact. What it makes possible now. And just by being with them guiding this experience you'll become part of that vision. The client becomes enthused about working with you because you ‘get it’. You are part of it. You are a valued thinking partner. To quote a CFO from a major bank one of my clients worked with: “You know more about the future I want for this business than my team. Now, explain to me how you think you can help.” Position your consultancy offer and its value. When you make it like their desired result has already been achieved, it’s easier for clients to figure out what steps are needed to make it happen. That’s how you make consultancy a vital part of the mission. That’s how you create enthusiasm for the client to buy it.