Practice as a powerful tool for sales success
Pick a single new sales behaviour you want to practice and commit yourself to do something every day, for the next quarter, to develop it.
What you choose can be big, or small. The most important thing is to practice it every day.
Here are 7 new sales behaviours you might want to try on for size.
Pause and consider ... before offering an opinion.
Close your meetings by agreeing a time for the next one.
Ask for a referral.
Listen twice as much as you speak.
Explore ‘why?’ Don't accept 'no' at face value.
Ask a provocative question that challenges convention.
Talk about goals, metrics, and value. Not solutions.
Choose one behaviour and establish a trigger so you do it consistently over the next 90-days.
To begin practice in everyday situations. That doesn't have to be with clients. You might even engage random strangers and practice on them!
Before you start ask yourself, "on a scale of 1 - 10 how consistently do I behave like this." Write down that benchmark figure.
As you progress through the month refine what you do, improve it, then increase it. At the end of the practice repeat the benchmark and measure the impact of the change on your overall performance, and confidence.
Let me know how you get on.
Further reading: