Superconnect by Richard Koch & Greg Lockwood
Interesting book with some unexpected perspectives about networks and networking. Especially how the unlikely connections can lead to big things.
ISBN: 0349122318 Date Read: September 2013 How strongly I recommend it: 9/10
My conclusions — the directives
Swap the delusion that we can control the world as individuals for the reality of creation, in collaboration with other people.
There are three crucial ingredients of networks. Two types of links and the groups (hubs) in which we participate.
Strong links, weak links. Strong links are with close friends, family, and daily contacts (workmates etc). Weak links are with acquaintances with whom we have rapport.
A Hub is the junction of many weak and strong links. Hubs comprise groups of people collaborating for some common purpose. Some of the most important decisions in life are which hubs we become part of.
More connections are less important than the right connections.
Weak links connect otherwise isolated hubs or individuals, creating a tissue of interconnections which bind together society.
There is an underlying structure of interrelationships so that a vast number of people and all the knowledge and possibilities they posses lie just beyond our immediate horizons.
There are 'superconductors' who command hugely greater social sway than most other people. They benefit and spread benefits more than the rest of us.
The more networks we can tap, even very loosely, the more likely we are to get what we want.
"Some of the people you think will not be able to help you in any way know people who can help you in ways you cannot believe.
The power of periphery is enormous, so the larger our periphery - the wider the range of diverse worlds we can enter - the greater will be our potential insight.
Deliberately cultivate many more weak links, windows into new worlds.
Superconductors have a large (hundreds) numbers of friendly acquaintances. The vast number are weak links. There is limited time to cultivate each contact. Paradoxically this dictates a reasonably high level of trust and cordiality.
Friendly acquaintanceship is a skill that improves with practice.
Figure out how to find new characters to whom you are drawn, and talk for a few minutes. Be self-aware - appear open and approachable.
There's a lot more in this book. But the notes above should give you a flavour.