Someone speaks and nobody listens ... is that communication.
The Power of Listening, a Ted talk by William Ury coauthor of Getting to Yes my favourite book about negotiation.
A brilliant speech - The Power of Listening, a Ted talk by William Ury coauthor of Getting to Yes my favourite book about negotiation. Notes:
I hear a lot of talking but I don't hear a lot of real listening.
We think of negotiation as being about talking. But in fact its really about listening.
If you study the behaviour of successful negotiators you find that they listen far more than they talk.
Listening helps us understand the other side. Negotiation, after all, is an exercise in influence.
How can you possibly change someone else's mind if you don't know where there mind is.
Listening helps us build rapport. It builds trust. It shows we care. After all everybody wants to be heard.
Listening makes it more likely the other person will listen to us. It helps us get to yes.
Listening may be the cheapest concession we can make in a negotiation.
It costs us nothing and it brings us huge benefits.
In ordinary listening we're hearing the words and we're often thinking ... where do I agree ... where do I disagree ... what am I going to say in response.
In other words in ordinary listening the focus is on us.
In genuine listening the spotlight move to the other person.
We put ourselves in their shoes. We tune into their wavelength. We listen from within their frame of reference, not just ours.
That's not easy.
In genuine listening we listen not just for what's beaming said but for what's not being said.
We listen for the underlying emotions, feelings and needs. We listen for what that person really need and wants.
Why is it so hard to listen?
There is so much going on in our minds.
So much noise and distraction.
We don't have the mental and emotional space to truly listen to the other side.
How do we learn to listen?
Learn to listen to ourselves first.
Take a few moments of quiet just to pay attention to what is going on for you.
Listen to yourself to quiet your mind.
Pay attention to emotions and sensations ... let them go ...