They're just not that into you
You know those suspects and prospects? The ones you're chasing. You've sent them several emails, left voicemails, sent a text ... yet nothing happens.
Well here's the thing ... they're just not that into you … because they’re not motivated enough.
Before reading more, remember: With suspects we’re in marketing mode and with prospects we’re in sales mode.
Suspects: You’ve chased for meetings. They’re ghosting you. It’s because they have no good reason to meet with you … yet. Making suspects feel they have an expensive issue, that needs their attention. That’s marketing.
With suspects you must ensure you’re in pole position when they ‘get it’, so they turn to you for help.
Prospects: You’ve had conversations that seemed to go well, but end up nowhere. Sadly the prospect’s desire for that proposal has withered away. Helping prospects feel a high level of motivation to take action, then helping them decide what to do. That’s selling.
With prospects you must ensure projects are underpinned by an expensive issue ... and that there is a massive pain, or gain, attached to that issue.
And realise that you can chase suspects and prospects as much as you like ... woo them ... give them a free sample ... write a proposal … but they won’t be compelled to action until they feel something first. That’s human nature.
So, this week’s mini-mission.
Go through your suspect and prospect list. Just pick one person to begin with. Now figure out:
What expensive issue will make them take action?
What pain, or gain, are they experiencing that will compel them to so something soon?
How will they know you’re the best bet to help them with this issue?
This mini-mission can help you to see exactly how to get them into you. And, if you do that, they may even end up being the ones doing the chasing. Wouldn’t that be cool?