Why is closing a concern for consultants?
Part 1: What concern about selling comes up most for consultants?
Imagine you've been having a great pre-sales conversation with the client. Chances are you've done a lot of divergent thinking together. Opening up ideas, exploring pathways, and generating options. It's visionary mode, it's energy giving, it's fun.
But, if you want to reach a decision you have to move from divergent thinking to convergent thinking. Drawing things together, making commitments, and deciding who will do what, when, and how. It's 'let's get real' mode, it's energy consuming, it's serious.
In facilitation this space between divergent and convergent thinking is called 'the groan zone'. It's uncomfortable.
So, it isn't surprising many consultants avoid it in pre-sales situations. So, how do you grasp the nettle, tackle the groan zone, and make it easier for clients to make their minds up?
Start with this.
The mini-mission
Think about a recent meeting you've been in. There will probably have been periods of high-energy and low-energy.
Why different energy levels at different times?
How might you have influenced the client at those times?
What have you just learnt?